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Property for sale in Kokstad

Would you like to settle down in a quiet town in KwaZulu-Natal? RE/MAX has an extensive range of sought-after property for sale in Kokstad. Our real estate listings feature small private holdings, elegant holiday homes and large fertile farms. Therefore, buyers have a diverse range o...Read more

Would you like to settle down in a quiet town in KwaZulu-Natal? RE/MAX has an extensive range of sought-after property for sale in Kokstad. Our real estate listings feature small private holdings, elegant holiday homes and large fertile farms. Therefore, buyers have a diverse range of dwellings to choose from.

A little town with plenty of space

Nestled amidst Mount Currie and various nature reserves in Griqua country, Kokstad boasts an abundance of beautiful sights and sounds. Homes for sale in the region also provide you with spacious plots, enabling you to bring the surrounding beauty closer with a flower garden or manicured lawn.

Beyond the exquisite natural environment, the modern facilities provided by the town ensure that property owners can maintain important aspects of their current lifestyle. For instance:

Educational infrastructure – Learning institutions for kids and adults of all ages are available in town. Kokstad Junior and Primary Schools are most preferred for little ones, while teens and mature students can choose between St. Patricks and Esayidi College for their tertiary classes.

Essential amenities – State-owned and independent medical services mean your healthcare needs are covered. GPs and clinics are fully equipped to handle minor incidents, while greater emergencies are easily treated at either Kokstad Private or Usher Memorial Hospital. The town also supplies residents with firefighters and local police.

Commercial hubs – Kokstad’s Main Street ensures that residents from anywhere in town have easy access to shopping centres, retail outlets and fast food places. Woolworths, SUPERSPAR, Game and Lewis are just a few popular franchises found here.

Expert assistance when you need it

Wherever you settle in town and whichever kind of real estate you choose, the RE/MAX team can make buying that property a pleasure. Our friendly agents have years of experience, and willingly offer personal and professional insights to help you feel right at home in no time. You can trust us to get you a good price and value for money.

Browse our online listings to view the property for sale in Kokstad today.

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